Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Yes, you've probably seen the trailer online or elsewhere (the one with the decapitated statue of liberty) and probably wondered what the heck was that. Possibly, you've heard the theories: Is it a Godzilla remake? Is it related to Lost? (J.J. Abrams, creator of said show, produces this movie).

Or maybe you haven't heard of it at all. Regardless, you will find out what it really is. And you will be disappointed, because when the monster is revealed- as in most stories with flimsy storylines- you'll lose interest quickly. Cloverfield, somehow, managed to keep mine. Maybe because of its thrilling buildup and abundance of suspenseful and awesome moments. Yes, the "cinematography" may be annoying (shaky cam, anyone?) and there is likewise an abundance of cheap, reused horror shocks. After all, the big monster can't get into tinny spaces, so its need its little spawnlings (actually, ticks that reside on its body) to attack our poor human beings. But that's still quite scary too, somehow.

I would say its one heck of a movie, but that's about it. As I said, the buildup is tense and suspenseful, the revelation thrilling and the ending Blair Witch-esque. Not exactly a B-Grade film (despite its no name actors) and the special effects are rather decent for a movie its budget: no more worse than I Am Legend, with six times Cloverfield's budget and certainly better than that other monster movie set in Manhattan, Godzilla. Indeed, this is an offering way better than the latter movie, and one of the best of its genre (monster-disaster movie). It doesn't say much, but still, go watch it. You will possibly hate it, or you might really really like it.

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