Thursday, February 14, 2008


This movie clearly convinces me that Doug Liman, who once upon a time directed The Bourne Identity, needs to start looking for better projects. But of course, the questions needs to be asked: Is this a good movie?

By, um, some standards, this is an okay movie, barely making it past the decent level. Of course, the critics with higher standards will hate this movie (as someone said, expect "I wish I could teleport out of the cinema" quips), but as standalone popcorn fare, it works (barely).

So what's so bad about the movie? First things first: while you can turn a well tread premise (think: guy with special powers) into a good story, you should at least expect the story to have some weight (i.e. character development and a compelling story). Jumper has neither, and truth be told, it jumps around too much.

And what we are left with is a throwaway, thin story with characters we can't really care that much about. Hayden Christensen does not help the movie. Sure, it's fun (if only just so).

Sorry, I'm still waiting for a better show. Until then...

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