Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oscar Time!

Come Oscars tomorrow morning, we'll be seeing the "best of the best" being honored by Hollywood's elite. Which is a sad thing, because elitism sometimes ignores other great movies, and, more perversely, actually celebrates not so great ones. So, despite all the talk about mutual back-patting, I'm excited to see who wins.

I have yet to draw up my top ten films of 2007 (even after nearly three months into 2008!) thanks to the fact that most of the good movies arrive a few months late in Malaysia. Still, it's nearly complete, and my number one movie (which so happens to be the movie that will almost certainly win this year's Oscar)- that has been shaken but never budged- is No Country For Old Men, followed closely by There Will Be Blood (2nd), The Assassination of Jesse James (3rd), Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (4th) and Atonement (5th), with Once in (6th). I haven't finalized the other four yet, but Transformers will sure as heck be in there!

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