Saturday, August 21, 2010

To dream

I've met my fair share of disillusioned adults. The common theme is that when they were young they were full of passion and energy. Naturally, as the years went on, they realized that they could not actually take on the world anymore. So much for dreams and hopes.

"Wait till you're older" is what I'm told often. Indeed, time is one of the greatest judge of all things. I am 20 years old and I realize how much I've grown. When I was eleven and had just left school there was absolutely nothing for me to do. And then on a rainy evening, with nothing to do, I sat down and typed out my first real story on our new PC.

And from then onwards, I knew quite clearly what I wanted to be "when I am grown up", despite the occasional advice to be a businessman here and a lawyer there. I've had occasional detours along the way, but I always somehow ended back on the main road.

Right now, this is a detour albeit a necessary one. I'm young and full of dreams and hopes. At the very least I should try. Dear time, at least allow me that.

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