I realize that while trying to stay as "free" as possible I have inadvertently made myself rather busy. I suppose in that thinking one has a lot of time, one thinks that there is more time to do more things. Hence my engagement in multiple commitments is slowly making me realize that hey, I have a heavy burden to carry once again.
Setting up the wireless network in my home was easier than I thought. Have to thank the techies for making it so simple, although I did sigh for wasting my time at Low Yat last night trying to get a piece of hardware to work (it didn't in the end).
Same thing with the security system, if you can call it that. The house is somewhat big, at least for me who has spent most of his life in condominiums. It also means that there are many place to secure. I hope I got the crucial points done.
I have a notebook which someone gave to me. I really did not need it, but then I realized that maybe it will be helpful. It's old. But it still has some life in it, thankfully.
I am applying for a job and am still labouring over my resume. I find it somewhat discomforting to put nothing more than "Homeschooling from 2001-2005" because it is so sparse on details. But it is intentional. I want my prospective employers to quiz me on the details. No doubt they will be curious. I do not have SPM, but I do have a Diploma and a Degree by next year. No SAT either. But then when one has a diploma/degree in the relevant field no questions are raised about SPM. The latter is too general and would be considered superseded.
My hair is too long and goes into my mouth too often. Ergh.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
Posted by
1:03 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Draft: 3
So stories converge, that is without doubt. Books, plays, movies as original as they may claim to be are almost always derived from innumerable other sources. Everybody needs inspiration. And as such if there were nothing to "steal" from, we would have nothing to write.
Plagiarism, of course, is frowned upon. But as someone put it, plagiarism is copying from one source; research is copying from many.
I should start doing some research.
Posted by
3:01 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Draft: 2
As such I stall, way too often. I have since discarded the "instinct" and outline approach to writing, and adopted a keyword approach wherein I build up my story based on certain key sentences (much like how some filmmakers who adapt comics base their storyboard on select panels).
I have yet to see if this will work, considering that I am working on a few stories that are progressing too slowly. I might just revert to writing 1K+ pieces and see how it goes. One good way to cheat is to write a serious of short stories and claim it as a novel. I find the end result too fragmentary and disjointed - obviously.
Ultimately, I realize I need inspiration. My usual sources are books - fiction and non-fiction (I find that both inspire me in different ways), movies, stories as told by other people etc.
I might need to travel a bit. It never hurts, yes?
Posted by
1:28 PM
Burn After Reading
But then again most Coen movies are like that.
Posted by
11:32 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Ah, again.
So much for my New Year's resolution which shall have to wait for next year. Obviously I won't be able to meet my 365 post deadline, but then I decided quality over quantity anyway and thought it a rather spurious effort anyway.
It has been a busy few weeks. Shifted house yet again, though of course I made it a point to call no place home until I am so sure. Certainty eludes me at the moment, sadly. I now live in Seremban, and while not exactly a small town, is enough of a demotion to make me value city living which I have taken for granted. But as they say, you gotta adapt.
I have two free months until the end of this year, and I am trying to use it wisely. Of course, top priority will be to get a job as my college downshifts to part-time for my final year. Which means they assume I'll be working. Ah.
Being a sampler of many things, I have yet to find one which delights me the most (although my recent voluntary work comes close, but alas, it's voluntary - albeit one that I would like to resume once I get a proper job).
Still searching, still searching.
Posted by
6:31 PM