Thursday, February 19, 2009

Of existential issues

The emotionally mature adult can face up to the complexity and evil of the world. He can bear knowing that he is ignorant. He is content to achieve that which is within his reach. What is possible contents him, even when it falls short of the apparent ideal. No longer so sure of all the answers, or even whether there are answers, he is too busy working to achieve his reasonable goals to torment himself with such overwhelming questions.

We must be grateful, however, that some people cannot escape asking such questions, and seeking answers, for the results of those enterprises have sometimes been great literature, philosophy, theology - to our immeasurable profit.

Truth be told, I'd rather go hiking.


crystalcha28 said...

this is a great quote. =) where'd you get it from?

Daniel said...

Believe it or not, from a bargain basement, 30 year old "Pyschology Made Simple".

Not all textbooks are dry. :P