Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Anna Karenina- A Few Thoughts

I must confess, there can be nothing new said about this book, considering it has been dissected, reviewed, analyzed (insert other synonyms) by countless of lit- crits.

So, I have very little to add here: A very interesting book (and looooong, so it says something about Leo Tolstoy's- or at least- the translator's aptitude here).

That said, despite its size, I finished it rather quickly. It was enjoyable. The characters were multi-faceted/dimensional, I enjoyed them (they were the only reason this book was enjoyable). Plotwise, it's just a simple tale of a man and his farm and a lady and her lover.

Well, that's to simplify things grossly (but still, it is in essence, about that!).

So yeah, after that, I can say it was rightly called a remarkable book. And now, I can finally boast that I've finished two of Tolstoy's great works, War & Peace, and Anna Karenina.

Three cheers to myse--

Oh, nevermind.

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