Tuesday, August 21, 2007


It was the most intriguing camp that I went too. Seriously. But that probably means I haven't been to any better camps. So, I'm back from the Young Writer's Camp. The full report will be coming up. But I do regret some things there, such as not jumping into the pool properly. I landed right smack on my ear. Now my right ear isn't functioning properly; tinnitus, I suspect. Will see the doctor tomorrow.

Other than that, trying to get into the mood to begin my major assignment. Yes, Lord help me.

Read someone go on about how everything are hypotheses, beliefs indistinguishable. In context, he was speaking about how religious beliefs don't differ, i.e. they are different ways of conceptualizing a thing.

Of which I have no comment, except well, some people are just smarter than me. Or maybe they're omniscient. Heh.

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