Recent two-hour excursion to Broga Hill was unexceptional. At least it was named right - Gunung Angsi (Mountain) is shorter than Maxwell Hill. I guess names aren't just reliable. Went in the middle of the afternoon to avoid the crowds. Great panorama of palm, jungle and kampung but other than that not much.
I have always been unimpressed at what our country has to offer. Of course I know a fair number of Europeans who dream of having their honeymoon in Langkawi (not impressed, either), that the grass is greener on the other side, so on and so forth.
My aesthetic is frankly Continental, and I am unashamed to admit that much. Most beautiful (actually, more like surreal) local sight for me would be the granite peak of Mt. Kinabalu in moonlight, but other than that, meh.
Pics below.

I have always been unimpressed at what our country has to offer. Of course I know a fair number of Europeans who dream of having their honeymoon in Langkawi (not impressed, either), that the grass is greener on the other side, so on and so forth.
My aesthetic is frankly Continental, and I am unashamed to admit that much. Most beautiful (actually, more like surreal) local sight for me would be the granite peak of Mt. Kinabalu in moonlight, but other than that, meh.
Pics below.

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