Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Oh, then.

Last year was disappointing. I wrote too little, both here and elsewhere. But it was also inspiring. I learned so much (too much even). I worked in a multi-national for half a year and came out wiser. College will finish soon; I will be two decades old.

What I don't like about this year? The fact that I now have to work in a job that I would not like. What's more, the job I would like to do isn't really a job at all. Not for the time being.

So once again, I occupy my time with my own personal projects. Movie season (for me) is reaching it's peak and I find that 2009 was also disappointing in this regard. Oddly enough, my studies in storytelling has taken a great leap from me playing so many (video) games. I guess alternative forms of media do help you break out. On a side note, I averaged ten books a month.

And then there's the career choice bit, which I admit I have sunk too little time into. The questions keep coming, and soon you're used to blurting out the supposedly truthful "I don't know." But really, we're just bullshitting ourselves here. You always knew.

When I was 7 years old I wanted to write stories.

I still do.

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