Friday, January 26, 2007

The molding of the individual, via socio-cultural pressures, and misc.

Well, well, look at the title. See? I'm being random. Well, not really. It kind of reeks of randomness, but "random" (as I mean it here) is used to describe silly and incoherent behaviour or words or things or...stuff.

No, the title kind of describes my life. All of ours, in fact. Not that cultural conditioning alone creates personality (biology does that) alone. Lewontin calls it "dialectical materialism". An evo-pyschologist (Pinker? I dunno) calls the latter "dead". I personally don't care.

Nevertheless, here we are.

You are the way you are, perhaps, because of your parents who dropped you when you were a baby, then banned you from anime (which they deem violent, un-Christian, waste of time etc.) and basically made your life miserable or plainly just because you were born that way.

No I'm not writing auto-biographically here. I'm just trying to be funny. Haha.

Okay, you know what, disregard what I just wrote above. Write it of as something about me and my slightly cynical self. That's a self I don't like. I like being happy and optimistic. And caring less about the "big" things and more about how to understand the darn sphere grid in Final Fantasy X.

Oh yes, I looove philosophy. Then again, who doesn't. I just love the esoteric-meaningless-non-utilitiarian part. No, I just don't feel in the modal logic mood today.

See? Yet another random jump into another topic I just feel like talking about.

Well college is hard. Group project and the coming exam makes it no less difficult. I got one member who is too busy, one person who's not the brightest when it comes to doing strategic marketing analyses and another who can't take his work seriously unless his mother is watching over him.

No offense to any of you. You're great. Just that everyone has their shortcomings.

Mine? Being a obsessive compulsive procrastinator (To be fair, a lot of people are- so no, I'm not that special. Heh.), extremely lazy teen and what else.

I have great aspirations. I want to enter the academia. Wonderful, except I'm too lazy to do my maths. Aw, that's sad. Pity, pity.

Well, I still do feel happy. Hope? No, one does not hope unless one has faith in the hope. What is faith? Faith is a past earned trust in the future. Don't get it? find out for yourself what faith means.

Trying to be holy. Yeah, isn't that what the Bible always tells you to be? Be perfect. Yes, and still, you know its impossible. "Don't sin!" say your parents/pastors/friends yet you still do. They still do.

We are imperfect, man is fallen and my eyes have been strained. Rest time,

Bye bye.

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