Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Little More About Me

This blog is, well, a corner in the huge space we call the Internet where I share my thoughts with the world. Unlike my previous blog, this one isn't as popular nor is it about one particular topic, in particular.

The best way to ascertain someone's personality (who you don't know) is by reading what they write. All the more better if you don't know me, because here lies my thinking.

The usual:

Indian and Chinese in ancestry.

Christian in religion. To be more particular, a Reformed Baptist in theology but currently attending an Assemblies of God congregation. Used to approximate a stereotypical frothing fundamentalist in my younger days, but have since mellowed.

Moderate in politics. I support whatever political party that will bring us closer to the freedom and high standard of living enjoyed by (dare I say it) the Scandinavian countries or at the very least (look East, after all) Japan.

Generally a guy with a rather rationalist worldview. You will be annoyed by how I always deem something unproven until, well, proved.

Is fascinated by the history of our planet.

I'm also (if you didn't know) a self proclaimed optimist.

Born 1990, studying in college at the moment, still doesn't know what he wants to do when he grows up but would preferably like a job where there's lots of research involved.

Addicted to information and struggling to obtain wisdom.

I love (among other things) a transcendent being called God, my family, friends, humanity in general, books, movies and my cat.

In all things, Soli Deo Gloria.

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