Friday, June 15, 2007

Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer

As my friend noted, there are some movies you would like to see, even if you know it sucks. I suppose it happened to me in this case.

The trailer looked good. Or was it because this Fantastic Four sequel (to a not that great beginning movie) contained the Silver Surfer, my favourite Marvel character?

I suppose a little bit of both, and I went in hoping- just hoping- that this movie would not be bad. I was wrong. It's terrible. But compared to the first, it's still an improvement. But yeah, it sucks.

Then again, if you somehow liked the first Fantastic 4, then you'd love this one. As for me, I was only mildly entertained, but primarily disappointed at the lackluster characters, storyline, action...everything.

Don't expect any depth here. Let's just's more for the young ones.

But I wouldn't mind a Silver Surfer spin off. At least that guy was way more interesting than the four of them combined.

If you're still not sure, than go ahead and watch it. You'll know it's doomed when you watch Mr. Fantastic do those stretchy dance moves.

Now I'm just waiting for Transformers...hehe.

The Relaxed Moviegoer: B

The Thoughtful Critic: C-

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