Sunday, June 10, 2007

There Is...

A cat that comes by my apartment. My apartment has two entrances, one opening out into the corridor and one into the swimming pool area (we live, technically, on the ground floor).

I can tell when it comes by when I hear the sound of a bell ringing. It's our neighbors cat. They put a small, jingly bell on it. It's fur consists of "dirty" black and brown hues. Wonder why it comes by? Possibly because our pet budgie. We all know that cats + birds= bad.

We chase it away, but don't employ extreme methods. Firstly, because it's our neighbors and secondly, because that would be cruel.

It's a cute kitten.

So we constantly have to keep a look out, just in case it sneaks into our house (other cats as well). So far, so good. No problems.

What can we learn from this? Are there any practical (philosophical, theological) applications to be found here?

Nope. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Apart from the fact that there is a cat that likes to come by and hang around in my apartment's porch.

This was merely an anecdote to ensure that the time gap between my blog posts was not too big.

Sorry. I blame it on randomness. The universe is random. So says quantum physics.

And I hear the ring of the bell again. Who knows, it might just be Schrödinger's Cat.

My apologies, once again.

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