Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm It.

Got tagged by Ian. Like him, I don't have anything to put on my blog either, hence why I'm writing all this.

1.Your name plus "ness"?

2. Two feelings at the moment?
Happy and jovial.

3. What are you listening to right now?
Some guy upstairs doing scales on a piano.

4.Done anything you regret so far this week?
Not having any ice cream.

5. Describe where you are right now?
In the Milky Way. It's kinda big, I occupy a small, tiny, microscopic corner of the galaxy.

6.The highlight of your week?
Me having to do my 7,000 word report all over again.

7. What are you craving to have right now?
Said report completed.

8. Who were the last people you ate with?
Bros, and dad.

9. What are you scared of?
The dark, and maths.

10. Last movie you watched?
Eragon. Cheesy, squirm in your seat kind of show.

11. Last songs you sang out loud?
Heartbeats, Jose Gonzalez. Or, er, was it Hikari by Utada Hikaru? Not sure...

13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
Now that you mention it, I am.

14. Who is the last person you talked to?
My mom.

15. Last thing you downloaded on your computer?
A journal on M&As (If you don't know what it is, trust me, you don't want to).

16. Have you changed much this year?
Time moves, change is inevitable. What kind of a question is that?

19. Hug or kiss?
Hugs can kill, but kisses can be deadly. Hence, neither.

20. Last time you cried?
When I had an epiphany, a beautiful religious vision, for lack of a better word.

21. Friends? or Lover?
Lover, no contest.

22.Who do you wish to talk to right now?
No one. I'm content by myself.

23. Who was the last person to text message you?
Jared Locke

24. Where was the last place you went to besides where you are?
Mamak store.

26. Do you speak any other language other than English?
Malay. And yes, a smattering of German, remnants of the days where I had nothing better to do.

27. Last thing you watched on TV?
Eragon, because I watched it on the TV. If you are really that particular, then...probably the news.

28.Do you dress for style or comfort?
Neither. I hate external imperatives, although sometimes they are unavoidable.

29. Name someone with the same b-day
as you?
Erm, Evanna Lynch, for those who watched The Order of the Phoenix.

30. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?

31. Whats the craziest thing you've done?
I have done no crazy thing, thankfully.

32. Favorite color(s)?

33. What's your favorite cereal character?
The Kelloggs rooster. I thought it was chicken flakes.

34. What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?
Smooth Criminal

35. Who do you love?
Myself, God, Family, Girl, Myself etc.

36. Any plans right now?
Yeah, an incredible one.

37. What are your plans for tonight?
Sleep by 11 P.M.

38. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Nothing in particular.

39. Last time you were happy sincerely?
Can't remember. Maybe when I ate a chicken chop.

40.Last time you smiled?
Just now.

41. Who do you wanna be with right now?

42. Last book you read?
The Great Gatsby

43. Your ambition?
Academia, hopefully.

44. Can you drive?
Not yet.

45. Last time you wore a cap?
Few months ago.

5 People I Tag:

The first five people to read this. You...uh...know how you are.


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