Thursday, January 3, 2008

Mind games.

I'm not a puzzle person. I mean, Sudoku is okay, but it is hardly addictive. And when it gets too hard, I happily throw the towel. It's not worthy my time, laboring over filling blanks.

But ah, when we were introduced to such games as "Bang, Bang, Who Died?" (a game in which someone pretends to shoot another person by saying said phrase and the rest has to guess who died). It was the most annoying, tormenting puzzle that I ever bothered to think through. I normally don't have the patience, but that utterly bugged me. Thankfully, I finally figured it out (after two days), with lots and lots of help, of course.

Today I learned, in between accounting lessons, the game of "Snaps". Yes, I had a lot of help too. But I figured it out. And boy, is it a lovely puzzle to torment people with. Can't wait to try it out...hehehe.

Oh, and either my PC is infected with spyware (probably not, I'm too cautious) or someone knows my password. Hmm...

Edit: It was my brother, who sent some spam with my MSN account. Hmph.

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