Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Boycott? What boycott? *Rant* *Rant* (Skip reading if necessary)

Local supermarket chain Mydin wins hands down the Sad Waste of Perfectly Good Stuff Award for wasting perfectly good red stickers. Meh; don't they know any better? Such things are nothing but an emotive response, since boycotting products have absolutely no impact on Geert Wilders and his political party who made that damned video (they barely have any presence in the parliament anyway).

Sure, some people are saying that the Dutch companies who lose their business would sue him. But if the Netherlands are anything resembling what I've been taught about, then the "liberal" courts will throw it out on the grounds of good ol' freedom of speech.

Thinking about it, maybe it'd be better if Al-Q or sumthing just offed him (Wilders). Deterrents make good preventions.

And for the last time, yelling out how much you hate that Dutch b'tard will only bring him millions of dollars worth of free publicity, and maybe a few more seats in parliament. Noobs.

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