Sunday, April 13, 2008

In that old classic phrase: What an (mis)adventure!

So we college students set out to an FGA Planet Shakers concert to sell some t-shirts. Yes, college project. Tralalala, no harm trying right?

So we got there, and had no idea what to do. The crowd was intimidating, and we were clueless and obviously, embarassed. I lost count of how many familiar faces I saw.

Seriously, I don't make a good direct salesman. It's...ah. It's a deep, gloomy feeling everytime you even think of approaching someone. Unless I somehow get high, or something. Which is, incidentally, what happens if you somehow manage to sell something. Then you feel almost invincible. :P

Ah well, sometimes you're not up to these sort of things. Some times it's just a bad idea. Suffice to say, the product we're selling does not really have a mass appeal. More like something targeted towards a select group of people.

I'm gonna try selling it to my relatives again...

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