Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Worldly music? Or eh...

So, American Idols sang "Shout to the Lord" that song we usually sing in (some) churches. Darlene Zschech & Hillsongs must be proud. Or should they be? Sure, Idol (PC, PC) dumped "Jesus". But it got chosen nonetheless as a song worth singing. The Christian fundies will be hopping mad at this, for a variety of reasons. ("Hah! Song that gets sung by worldly people! Must be an unbiblical song!")

Maybe, but then again how many trillions of times have Amazing Grace been belted out by pagans and believers alike? And that song is a staple in many congregations whose liturgies are still printed in books.

Either way, Americans got an earful of Christian music, and I am left bemused at the irony of it all. See if you can guess why. Ah, America, America.

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